Marked As Not Unmarked

Not An Unmarked Police Car Vanity Plate

via thefuntimesguide

6 Responses to "Marked As Not Unmarked"

  1. This just totally made my day, and I thought I'd let you know. Thanks!

  2. Even better would be a pic of this car getting pulled over. Thanks for the smile. 🙂

  3. Спасибо за сайт!)

  4. in some states they have that. and they are cop cars. But have that to confuse. and in some cases to subliminally instigate a traffic Violation.

  5. Классный у вас сайт, удачи в развитии! 😉

  6. Engineerisaac: Makes sense. They are cop cars as well as civilian cars here. I always slow down when I see these, regardless.

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