Prismacolor Fence

Colored Pencil Fence

Found via pixdaus

Similar Colorful Design Ideas by Bine Brandle

9 Responses to "Prismacolor Fence"

  1. That's cool and creative - when I had a custom-made privacy fence put in once, I wanted a few cool details, but the fencemaker talked me out of them - saying that plain was best.
    I never believed him.

  2. That is so cool.

    If I ever have an art studio, I would want to do that.

  3. I come here everyday. I drop and then I look, then I chuckle. I love this site!

  4. I want that!! If I ever live where I need to put up a fence, I'm going to do that. And on the gate, where people would put up a "Beware of Dog" sign, I'm going to post "Beware of Artist."

  5. I have to agree with the above poster. You find some great stuff to share with us.

  6. LOL... the fence is cool, but I wonder what happens when someone tries to scale it and doesn't quite make it??

  7. That would be wonderful at a daycare or school! How creative!

  8. That's just adorable! It'd be cool for like a daycare centre, or a school!

  9. [...] pencil fences via 1/2, 3, 4, 5, 6, [...]

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