Shadow Dance
Posted on Feb 24th, 2008 by found

Photo by Lyubomir Bukov
Posted in: Amazing, Art, Images
Tags: dance, photo, photography, Photoshopped, shadows
Photo by Lyubomir Bukov
Posted in: Amazing, Art, Images
Tags: dance, photo, photography, Photoshopped, shadows
lol thats kool and funny
Fantastic shot! Great idea. 🙂
Oh wow that looks awesome.
Love this pic. I work for Help the Aged, a charity dedicated to improving the lives of older people and would love to be able to use this image in a new campaign. Anyone know how I'd go about finding out who has the rights to it, or shall I just nick it? It's for a great cause!
Old age is but a change made physically.
Yet mind of a colorful youth flashes painfully.
Nostalgic are they realized in bone.
A Shadow's dance is never undone.
Thank you everybody. This is my work 🙂
You can find my other works on my website
ooooooww love hhaaha 🙂
great:) i loved this pic!
great photo, i was wondering how you did the shadows on the wall when the people arnt doing the actions.