Manson Mickey
Posted on Nov 29th, 2008 by found

Marilyn Manson : The Golden Age Cover Art
Collaboration with Gottfried Helnwein
Posted in: Art, Bizarre, Images, Music
Tags: albums, disney, mickey mouse, photo
Marilyn Manson : The Golden Age Cover Art
Collaboration with Gottfried Helnwein
Posted in: Art, Bizarre, Images, Music
Tags: albums, disney, mickey mouse, photo
Am not a fan of Manson or Mickey but this ones kinda scary ...
can you buy this picture anywhere?
omg ii love this picutre iits amazing!
don't let the kiddies see this one.
I love Marilym Manson and Mickey Mouse!!!!!!! Where can you buy these pictures?
ARGH!! I just got nightmares!
is this supposed to be an evil mickey mouse? weird
Marilyn Manson is a fag.. And not scary at all, anyone could beat his ass..
Jazmin if you dont like MM why even bohter to comment??...
Im sure the man in a Mickey Mouse hat and makeup is very concerned about looking tough.
All i know is that i wouldent want to run into him in the dark
Jazmin, all performers wear make up. Marilyn Manson is a very talented, and well respected artist.
if you dont like it gtfo there are people who respect him for the music he has made you couldnt become anywhere near as famous as he is this picture is named after him people love manson give us a break jazmin and every other hater who doesnt understand metal
where can i but that! any price, or just the hat plz. want to be that for halloween!
jazmine , your a confused ↑ person that doesnt live in the real world, join him, or else.☺
I know this is anchient but I just can't help it. I'm not sure why Anyone who would call him anything but genius or one of the most talented AND intelligent artists of our time would even think to leave a comment. Obviously they don't understand the concept of expressionism or have the balls to acknowledge how fucked up life is and to what extent were brainwashed and conditioned into IE: having no understanding of a situation and feeling entitled enough to publicly criticize and insult someones art / expression / MESSAGE. This was part of the art work for the album Golden age of Grotesque- The dark Micky is everyone with the ears symbolizing mind control/brain washing and the bard mouth is to symbolize silence / shut up and do what your told... So it's not about looking like a bad ass or being intimidating , it's about showing you what the fuck is being done to you everyday and thatif YOUR tough enough you can take the ears off and the bars out and think for yourself and speak what you feel. Sadly thats why someone so talented has such a small following and so quickly criticized because most people might be able to see a message they don't have the balls to do anything about it. So they willingly choose to be ignorant drones who fear what they don't understand and judge anything that thinks outside that comatose zombie mind with stupid comments like Jasmine's. Somewhat sad for her but Ironic really, such a beautiful piece of art with it's literal message in black and white right below it in these messages. Genius