Puppy Papoose
Posted on Feb 26th, 2008 by found

via sneezl
Posted in: Dogs, Humor, Images, Pets
Tags: dog, fanny pack, funny, maltese, papoose, puppy carrier
via sneezl
Posted in: Dogs, Humor, Images, Pets
Tags: dog, fanny pack, funny, maltese, papoose, puppy carrier
"If there's a god in doggie heaven, please don't let her break wind!"
i hope that is photoshopped or that dog is fake cause if she were to be jogging, the dog would be slamming against her hip
lol that comment above mine is really funny lol lol lol
Poor dog.
OMG thats so cruel! I really hope that isn't a real dog!
Thats horrible!
This is great. My dog would love it, as it is, he loves to be with me inside my back-pack walking everywhere. Just to be pampered, I am so happy to have my l'il angel. Sugar...the best l'il dog ever...
OMG!! that is sooo mean!! dont let her break wind!!
seriously, who would do such a stupid thing as to carry a dog in this fashion. I hoped it up chucked all over her freakin leg!
That's just mean......Poor dog. People really don't have brains....
I usually keep my dog in a plastic bag in my car when I jog.