Visually Descriptive

Descriptive Restroom Signs

14 Responses to "Visually Descriptive"

  1. [...] ik op Found Shit. Stem of voeg toe aan [...]

  2. obviously american

  3. hell yeah thats funny as hell they should put those on all bathroom doors

  4. bwahaha. thats just wrong.

  5. Obviously European

  6. LMAO.

  7. they are 2 skinny to be americans

  8. Obviously European

  9. I think the woman is a man coz girls don’t piss out that way, they dribble, and if that is a girl she has some serious problems.

  10. Yeah, the female one should really be the same as that, with the pee kind of going over the feet and a speech bubble saying "For ef's sake!"
    ..if you squat like that, it WILL happen, hahaha

    I wish I was a guy for the sake of easy peeing.

  11. If I'm supposed to use the door on the left then I guess I've been peeing wrong my whole life! 🙁 Next time I use the restrooms in Wal-Mart I'll be sure to crouch on my haunches and pee out of my kneecaps while my head tentacles fly backwards...

  12. It's obviously a pic from China.... just look at the tiled floors with the handicap lane down the center for the blind. Furthermore, western countries have western toilets, eliminating the need for squatting. But most Chinese restrooms are only equipped with "squatty potties" aka porcelain holes in the ground which require women to squat so that they don't miss their target and hit themselves instead.

    This looks like one of the nicer ones... wonder if they have soap?

  13. the way the boy stands it looks like he doesn't have a ding-ding
    or a least you can't see it. the way the girl squats & squirts it seem
    like she has a ding-ding well at least you can't see it.

  14. Nope... Korean. "Loveland" in Jeju, South Korea. The bathroom doors were nothing compared to some of the other things there

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