Cake Mail

Fake Chocolate Cake Postcards

Fake Cake Mail

Faux Cake Postcards by TangBaby

6 Responses to "Cake Mail"

  1. Cool:)

  2. lol just found this read it fast out loud

    I'm not the pheasant plucker, I'm the pheasant plucker's mate,
    And I'm only plucking pheasants 'cause the pheasant plucker's late.
    I'm not the pheasant plucker, I'm the pheasant plucker's son,
    And I'm only plucking pheasants till the pheasant pluckers come.

  3. I would rather have a real one ๐Ÿ˜›

  4. Haha, I didn't get it at first... then I clicked on the pic and saw the back shot ๐Ÿ˜›

  5. i'm hungry......can i eat it?

  6. The cake is a lie!

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